Monday, June 15, 2009

2 week update

As described by a unique t-shirt from Julie Riley, Madeline is officially a triathlete... an eating, pooping, and sleeping triathlete! Ha-ha! I thought that was so funny :) She continues to be a super baby and making this much easier than I ever could have imagined. We had a fantabulous weekend spending time with Granny and Poppy! They got to enjoy lots of quality time with Madeline, and we got to enjoy lots of yummy food thanks to Mom's effforts in the kitchen and Dad's efforts on the grill. Now the house is quiet again, but Aunt Jenn is coming up on Wednesday!

Granny and Madeline:

Getting dressed up:
The bonnet is cute, but it covers up her hair-do:
Gettin some tummy time:
Welcome Home BABY!
Poppy and Madeline:
How cute!
Are you talkin to me?
Man, that was a fun weekend! I'm pooped!

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