Madeline had a fun trip out over the weekend. I had my graduation dinner on Saturday night at Point of View (a nice venue downtown with a wonderful view), and since she didn't have any other plans, Madeline decided to accompany Ed and me to the event. It was a fun night, but unfortunately I forgot my camera--whoops! We all had a great time, and Madeline met a potential future boyfriend... Brandon Otto :)
We had a fairly uneventful first Father's Day (Happy Father's Day to all!). We did celebrate by going to dinner at Ari's, our favorite greek restaurant down the street. And of course we enjoyed our favorite appetizer, the flaming cheese! We're still doing the sponge bath thing (since her umbilical cord stump is hanging on for dear life!), but we thought we'd try out the tub for size:

Lily lookin pretty stressed out:

Madeline is being treated for thrush (a fairly common yeast infection in newborns), and one of the treatments is this highly staining purple dye... it made for some interesting pictures though! "I just tried to eat Grimace!"

Check out my cool onesie!

I've got pretty long legs: