Madeline is happily adjusting to our new home in Springfield, MO. She loves getting the chance to hang out with Granny, Poppy, and Aunt Jenn more often! She is running all over the place. Tonight she officially had her last bottle... we will see how things go tomorrow night. She loves to point at pictures of animals so that we can tell her what they are, and Madeline can point to several different items that she recognizes if you ask her! She loves sitting in her rocking chair and any other chair that she can climb into. She is the BEST dancer ever. She loves bobbing her head, waving her arms, and/or shaking her hips when she hears some good music. And it appears that her dancing skills aren't the only thing she picked up from Auntie Jenn... when I gave her a crayon to hold, several times in a row she moved it to her left hand before she started "writing" with it! She has started styling her hair into a ponytail (like Pebbles) in order to keep her bangs out of her eyes. She likes to say "hoo-hoo" like an owl, and her other words are HI, doggie, dada, uh-oh and uh-eee (I think she's combining uh-oh and whoopsie), mama, that, and last but not least "eehhhhh." Of course, she misses all her friends in St. Louis, especially Naomi! Now for some pictures: Madeline enjoyed picking up the nuts that fill our backyard, so we let her put some in her bucket:

Here she is enjoying breakfast with "little-little" and a "kiss-kiss bear" (remember those from hallmark?)
Naomi misses Madeline as well. All us Reeds miss the O'Tooles! Looking forward to hanging with Ed in Green Bay!