What a fun month! Madeline is now up on all fours a lot... rocking and rolling. It is so stinkin cute. She also gets on her hands and feet and sticks her booty up in the air (imagine downward facing dog in yoga). She can scoot herself all over the place, but she's not quite crawling yet. She can sit very well now. She is beginning to enjoy eating more and more. Her favorite food so far is carrots. She still LOVES bouncing... on a knee or in her bouncer. She loves when we clap, and she likes to give high fives and play pattycake. She says "dadadada" and makes a noise as if she's clearing her throat. She thinks the dogs are HILARIOUS.

Bathtime continues to be a big hit!

Thanks to Doug for the awesome bath toy!

See how good I can sit:

Thanks for coming to visit me for my eight month celebration Granny (and Poppy - not pictured here):
Look at that awesome smile! She is adorable, Kayla. The next month will be a big one for her!