Monday, August 31, 2009

3 month update

Today, Madeline is 3 months old! She has officially completed her 4th trimester :) How time flies. She is our favorite baby ever!! Here are some pictures from the past week. Daddy, you're such a cool guy!But you make me so sleepy:Madeline hanging out in the Baby Bjorn (usually she rides facing mommy):
Man, I had a rough day! Thank goodness I have this Boppy pillow to help me relax:

Sunday, August 30, 2009

30 year update

Today is Mommy's 30th birthday, which is also her Golden birthday. We spent most of the day trying to relax and enjoy our last day off before starting work full time, then we had a wonderful dinner with Katie, John, and Ben! They grilled delicious steaks and even had an ooeey-gooeey butter cake for dessert.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Hangin with grandma

We had a nice time hangin out with Grandma O'Toole this past week. But now we are counting down the time until Mommy starts working full time. Only one more week! Boo-hoo. Here are some pictures from our visit. Madeline is all ready for her bath, as you can see here:
The dogs are pretty excited about bathtime too (NOT!)Just chillin with Grandma:Madeline and Grandma in matching blue outfits :)
Lily needs some attention too:

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Great Grandma

We had a wonderful visit to Hope, AR the past few days! Madeline got to meet her only GREAT Grandmother, aka Mamaw, and a bunch of other great aunts, uncles, and cousins (are my cousins her second cousins? I don't understand that math). We (Mommy, Maddie, Aunt Jenn, Granny, and Poppy) drove down on Thursday and stayed until Saturday. We had a great time catching up with the family, and here are some pics to prove it! I felt like I took a ton of pictures, but I didn't even get one of everyone.
Mamaw and Madeline:Four generations! Great Aunt Belinda:
Jaxon (cousin Jason's son) and Madeline hanging out on Mamaw's pretty quilt:
Aunt Jenn and Cousin Mary (doesn't she look like Julia Roberts!):Great Aunt Tina and cousin Eric (he's a policeman, don't break the law when he's around):
Great Aunt Trudie and Poppy:Granny and Great Uncle Larry David:
Great Aunt Belinda's got her hands full (Camden is cousin Eric's son)!
Landry (cousin Jay's son):Mamaw wanted a picture of all her great-grandkids. We got everyone who was there on Friday night. From Left to Right: Front Row: Zach, Maddox, Amzi, Landry, Jagger, and Camden. Back Row: Madeline! Not pictured: Jaxon, Brian, and Danielle.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Madeline's first swim

We took Madeline to the pool this evening, although I'm not sure you could call it an actual swim. The water was a little chilly, so she just got her feet and legs wet and then took a nap while Aunt Jenn and Mommy practiced their diving. The cute swimsuit (thanks for sharing, cousin Elizabeth) makes her belly look huge!
Oh Poppy, I am just worn out:

Sunday, August 9, 2009

10 week update

Madeline is 10 weeks old today! We had a nice day hanging out inside, since the heat index was above 100 degrees here in St. Louis. I have to work tomorrow, and then Madeline and I will be heading down to Springfield on Tuesday! Daddy is staying home to get some of his projects finished around the house. Here is a cute pic of Maddie relaxing with Daddy:
This is Joy, Madeline had a great time seeing her last week:
Madeline hanging out with Daddy in his office (aka large box):
Daddy, I'm pretty stressed out here!
I was sitting on the couch with Madeline, and Lily got right up next to us for some snuggles:

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Back to work

So, we all survived mommy's first day of work yesterday... and it was not just everyone else's typical 8-hour day, it was a mere 18 hour day. Ha! I had a good day at the hospital. I actually cancelled my first case, so I'm off to a good start as an attending. Daddy did a great job taking care of Madeline and the dogs... he even managed to take everyone on a walk and do some laundry and dishes. Yay for daddy!! For the rest of this month, I'll only be working on Mondays, and then it's full time as of August 31 (at least I don't have to work on my golden birthday).

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

2 month update (stats)

So, we saw the pediatrician this morning... Madeline is now 11 pounds, 7 ounces, and 24.5 inches long. That puts her at 50th percentile for weight and 80th for height. Hopefully she got the "tall" gene from mommy! After the weigh-in, she got four HUGE needles jammed into her itty-bitty legs. Just kidding, but she did let out some pretty sad cries. The tylenol actually seemed to help, and now she's sleeping it off. The other day, Zoe tried to help with a diaper change:
Madeline and Mommy chillin in the living room:
No, I'm not asleep here. I asked Ed to take a close-up of Madeline, because she was in a cute position... what he must have heard was, "Ed, take a close up of my double chin."
Cutely arranged baby fingers:

Monday, August 3, 2009

35 year update

Happy 35th Anniversary to Granny and Poppy!!!!! We are so proud of and happy for you! In other news, mommy took her written exam today, so we can put away the books and relax for a while, yay!

Uh-oh, Granny will be disappointed in mommy's poor grammar in the previous sentence... can you say 'run-on' sentence, Madeline? Ha-ha! Here are a couple of pics from Granny and Poppy's trip to the West coast last summer: