We had a wonderful visit to Hope, AR the past few days! Madeline got to meet her only GREAT Grandmother, aka Mamaw, and a bunch of other great aunts, uncles, and cousins (are my cousins her second cousins? I don't understand that math). We (Mommy, Maddie, Aunt Jenn, Granny, and Poppy) drove down on Thursday and stayed until Saturday. We had a great time catching up with the family, and here are some pics to prove it! I felt like I took a ton of pictures, but I didn't even get one of everyone.
Mamaw and Madeline:

Four generations!

Great Aunt Belinda:
Jaxon (cousin Jason's son) and Madeline hanging out on Mamaw's pretty quilt:
Aunt Jenn and Cousin Mary (doesn't she look like Julia Roberts!):

Great Aunt Tina and cousin Eric (he's a policeman, don't break the law when he's around):

Great Aunt Trudie and Poppy:

Granny and Great Uncle Larry David:

Great Aunt Belinda's got her hands full (Camden is cousin Eric's son)!