First of all, today is Aunt ReRe's 30th Birthday!! Happy Birthday Aunt ReRe!! We're super sorry that we didn't call you!! Please forgive us because we're looking forward to your BBQ.
What?? 8 weeks? That's almost 2 whole months! Time sure does fly. Madeline continues to be a super-star triathlete baby (eating, sleeping, and pooping). She has moved out of the "newborn" size clothes to the "3 month" size. We had a great (but too short) visit from Granny and Poppy for the weekend. We went out to lunch today, and Madeline was so excited to celebrate being 8 weeks old that she puked all over Granny! Sorry Granny... welcome to Mommy's world :) Ha! Madeline sleeps well in her swaddler (thanks Krislyn!), but she still manages to wiggle her arms up most nights. Take that, swaddler! Also, as you see here, she likes to suck on her fingers:

After a fun bathtime (towels with corner hoods are so cute):

Hanging out on the blanket that my awesome OB gave us. It says, "I got my first hug from Dr. Joe Herrmann":

What is going on over there?

This is Madeline's outfit for when we go to Hope (home of the watermelon festival)!

Daddy wishes they made playmats that he could fit on!

This outfit is too cute, notice the little ducks on the feet!

Just chillin on Granny's lap (notice this was before the puking incident):

Look how strong my neck is!

I can look around the whole room:

Poppy reading Madeline a story book:

Notice now Madeline is wearing a different outfit now... this picture was after the puking incident!

And to finish off this ridiculously long post, here is a cute video of Granny teaching Madeline to suck on her thumb... Aunt Jenn will be so proud :)