Madeline does so many cute new things all the time, I have to try and remember some of them! She can count to 11 and sometimes higher, she can sing several songs, including the abc's, twinkle-twinkle, little red wagon, and a few songs that we have made up. She has been doing great at swim lessons... using the backpack floatie she can "swim" by herself for a little bit of time, but she gets so excited and smiles/laughs so much that she doesn't focus on keeping her mouth out of the water. Everything she likes to do is a "time", for example playdoh time, arts and crafts time, stamp time, puzzle time, etc. She has been doing awesome with potty-training. Only very rare potty accidents, and doing great with poopoo (finally). The reward of an Andy's ice cream cone worked very well for her! She still sleeps on her doggie bed and loves it. She loves to go outside, especially when we let the dogs out and she runs around with them calling them Mack and Mater (Lily is Mack because her collar is red). She loves the movies Cars (obviously), Nemo, The Little Mermaid, Shrek, Care Bears, and Bambi. She is constantly assigning us all roles from one of these stories. For example, Madeline is Faline, Connor is Bambi, Mommy is the doe, and Daddy is the great prince of the forest! Hahaha. She is very into girls vs boys right now, always pointing out that we are girls and Connor and Daddy are boys, etc. We could not be more proud!!

Connor is her biggest fan!