Madeline is 3/4 of a year old today! How time flies. She continues to be the best baby we've ever had :) At her 9 month check-up on Thursday, she weighed 17 pounds, 5 ounces and measured 28.5 inches long. That keeps Maddie steady on her growth curve at about 75th percentile for height and 50th for weight. She says "dadadada" a lot, and just recently started saying "nenenene" and very rarely "mamamama." She makes a cute face sometimes scrunching up her nose and puckering up her lips... it looks like she's trying to kiss her own nose. She has mastered crawling, and she pulls herself up on anything and everything! She even stood all on her own for 4 seconds (I counted) this morning :) She likes to clap and play patty-cake. She still loves bouncing and her jumping seat. She gets a kick out of the dogs... whenever we're playing upstairs, and one of them starts to move toward her, she squeals with delight. I think it's because she likes to be "chased." She eats her fruits and veggies okay, but she really likes to eat/play with cheerios! She does well sitting in a high chair when we go to restaurants. Now onto the pictures... Reading a book with Daddy:

Enjoying some light reading in Mommy's favorite magazine:

Hanging out upstairs, pulling myself up on the wall:

Doing some lunges to build up my quads:

Now onto squats:

Now I'm practicing my game face! Grrrr :)

Last night, my friend Naomi came over to visit! She is only 6 months younger than me. Look how strong her neck is already:

She brought her mom and dad with her too (Mary and CJ):
Anna sent her parents (RiRi and Curty-wurty) to hang out, but she wasn't feeling good so decided to stay home (hope you feel better soon Anna!). They're pretty cool: